Ceangail Psychotherapy | CBT, EMDR and IFS in Fermoy and Cork City

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Ep 31 - Sensorimotor-Focused EMDR

Welcome to episode 31 of the Therapy Explained podcast. My guest today is Dr Art O’ Malley. Art has practiced as a medical doctor since 1990 and as a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist from 2004 until 2015 for the NHS. He is currently Head of Clinical Services with The Ely Centre based at offices in Enniskillen and Markethill in Northern Ireland.

Art speaks to me about Sensorimotor-Focused EMDR, which integrates two well-established therapeutic approaches Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and EMDR. Art is particularly interested in the importance of being aware of how trauma is stored in the body and the necessity to take a body-based approach to address this.

Art has recently completed a two-day workshop on Sensorimotor-Focused EMDR which will be available online soon. To find out more visit www.artomalley.com.

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Episode 31: Sensorimotor-Focused EMDR James Lloyd